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Key Publications

Almog T, Keshet R, Kandel-Kfir M, Shaish A, Apte RN, Harats D, Kamari Y. Gene deletion of Interleukin-1α reduces ER stress-induced CHOP expression in macrophages and attenuates the progression of atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice. Cytokine, 2023 Jul; 167:156212.


Keshet R, Lee JS, Adler L, Iraqi M, Ariav Y, Qin Jin Lim L, Lerner S, Rabinovich S, Oren R, Katzir R, Tishler H, Stettner N, Landesman H, Galai S, Kuperman Y, Kuznetsov Y, Brandis A, Mehlman T, Malitsky S, Itkin M, S. Koehler SE, Zhao Y, Talsania K, Shen T, Peled N, Ulitsky I, Progador A, Ruppin E, Erez A. Targeting purine synthesis in ASS1 expressing tumors enhances the response to immune checkpoint inhibitors. Nat Cancer. 2020 Aug 31;(1):894-908.

Silberman A, Goldman O, Boukobza Assayag O, Jacob A, Limanovich S, Adler L, Lee JS, Keshet R, Sarver A, Frug J, Stettner N, Galai S, Persi E, Bahar Halpern K, Zaltsman-Amir Y, Pode-Shakked B, Eilam R, Anikster Y, Nagamani SC, Ulitsky I, Ruppin E, Erez A. Acid-induced downregulation of ASS1 contributes to the maintenance of intracellular pH in cancer. Cancer Res. 2018 Dec 20.

Keshet R, Szlosarek P, Carracedo A, Erez A. Rewiring urea cycle metabolism in cancer to support anabolism. Nat Rev Cancer. 2018 Oct;18(10):634-645.

Lee JS, Adler L, Karathia H, Carmel N, Rabinovich S, Auslander N, Keshet R, Stettner N, Silberman A, Agemy L, Helbling D, Eilam R, Sun Q, Brandis A, Malitsky S, Itkin M, Weiss H, Pinto S, Kalaora S, Levy R, Barnea E, Admon A, Dimmock D, Stern-Ginossar N, Scherz A, Nagamani SCS, Unda M, Wilson DM 3rd, Elhasid R, Carracedo A, Samuels Y, Hannenhalli S, Ruppin E, Erez A. Urea Cycle Dysregulation Generates Clinically Relevant Genomic and Biochemical Signatures. Cell. 2018 Sep 6;174(6):1559-1570.

Keshet R, Erez A. Arginine and the metabolic regulation of nitric oxide synthesis in cancer. Dis Model Mech. 2018 Aug 6;11(8):dmm033332. 

Keshet R, Bryansker Kraitshtein Z, Shanzer M, Adler J, Reuven N, Shaul Y. c-Abl tyrosine kinase promotes adipocyte differentiation by targeting PPAR-gamma 2. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2014 Nov 18;111(46):16365-70

Keshet R, Adler J, Ricardo Lax I, Shanzer M, Porat Z, Reuven N, Shaul Y. c-Abl antagonizes the YAP oncogenic function. Cell Death Differ. 2015 Jun;22(6):935-45.

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